Vendor Spotlight-Bacon and Caviar Catering

Today we'll be looking into the scrumptious works of Bacon and Caviar Catering! The owner, Paul was kind enough to give us a look into what they do. How did you get into catering?

We actually had a friend ask us to do the food for her parents 35th wedding anniversary at the Coon Hunter's Club in Dickson County. Everyone liked our food a lot and asked how long we had been catering and if we had business cards. We were hooked right away and started working from home on a stove with only three burners that worked and a smoker in the driveway. That was eight years ago, and now we have two BBQ restaurants (B&C Market BBQ in 2080 and B&C Melrose BBQ in 2010) to go along Bacon & Caviar Gourmet Catering.

What are some different options for catering that you offer brides?

Recently we did a seated reception for 200 with a traditional "steak & potatoes" menu. This spring we have a lot of outdoor stand-up receptions with heavy hors d'oeuvres, and for summer we have a lot of menus that incorporate our BBQ. We specialize in upscale southern food with a twist and great customer service.

What are some new things you’ll are working on for 2012?

Menu ideas for 2013...taking what we do now and bumping it up a notch or two. We are always learning new ways to look at what we do, and a lot of times those ideas come from our brides and grooms.

What are you’ll seeing popular in catering in 2012?

There are fewer rules now - not so many "must do's" and "can't do's" - and we think that is a great thing. It gives couples a lot more freedom to make their celebration what they want it to be - not what they are told it "should" be.

What catering trends do you wish would die? 

Not sure we want to see any one thing go away, but we really like the trend of weddings being less about pretense and more about celebrating the start of a life together and including all the things that make a couple unique, whether it is food, drinks, music, family, friends...whatever makes them happy and everyone has a great time.

Tell me why brides should choose Bacon & Caviar Gourmet Catering...

Our goal is to give every client the best deal we can, with great food and excellent customer service. If couples are looking for good southern food with a smart, funky twist and straightforward, unpretentious customer service check out Bacon & Caviar Gourmet Catering. We have menu ideas and pictures on our web-site at and you may reach us directly at 615-944-3462.


We asked Paul a couple random personal questions and here's what he came back with:

Mac or PC?  net book

Tea or Coffee?  coffee

iPhone or Blackberry?  iPhone

Favorite Song Right Now "Gold on the Ceiling" by the Black Keys, "That Wasn't Me" by Brandi Carlisle, and anything by Adele

Sounds like a delicious way to celebrate any occasion! A great classic with a little twist on it sounds great! Be sure to check out Bacon and Caviar Catering!
